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Focused Presentation Topics

For those events or speaking engagements that are shorter in duration, we provide a variety of leadership topics that can be tailored to your organization. These presentation topics are perfect for keynote speeches, capstone addresses, classroom lectures, or motivational presentations.

Understanding Leaders & Leadership

  1. The Hero’s Journey. The Path to a Heroic Life
  2. Lessons From Prisoner #119104: Why Meaning & Noble Purpose Are the Keys to a Heroic Life
  3. The Virtue Constellation. Maxims Defining Great Leaders
  4. Ariadne’s Thread. 7 Clues to Guide a Leader’s Development
  5. Are Great Leaders Made or Born? Answers to the 10 Essential Questions on Leadership
  6. Creating Resonance. The 9 Generative Roles of Authentic Leaders
  7. The Ultimate Boon. Understanding Success & Significance
  8. The Rubicon Crossing. Transforming People from Subordinates to Members
  9. Telemachus’ Guide. Committing to a Life of Mentorship
  10. A Mountain Laboratory. How Leaders Create Habit Patterns
  11. Lessons from a 3-Star Michelin Chef. The Leader as “Master Craftsman”
  12. A Place to Stand and a Lever. How Leaders Create Leverage and Engagement
  13. Downshifting. A New Model to Synchronize Succession Planning & Mentoring
  14. The Iron Triangle. The 4 Essential Roles of a Great Manager
  15. The Archer’s Stance. How Self-Discipline Leads to Self-Mastery
  16. Are You a Catalyst or Alchemist? The Difference Between Managing and Leading
  17. Doing Your Road Work. Champions Are Built Daily Through Disciplined Preparation
  18. The Vise Grip.  How Pressure Negatively Effects Leaders’ Performance
  19. The Forgotten Question.  How Does the Chief Executive Best Add Value?
  20. What’s My Line?  The 5 Common Styles of Executive Leaders
  21. What’s The Flip-Side of Change?  How Leaders Create an Adaptive Mindset
  22. The Paradox of Rough Edges: Why Failure, Not Success, Usually Leads to Wisdom
  23. In Search of “Moto”: Understanding, and Unleashing, the Levers of Motivation

Creating a Healthy Ethos & Culture

  1. Like Water Tiding to the Moon. The Centrifugal Power of Ethos
  2. Building a Dense Web. Creating & Sustaining a Healthy Culture
  3. Shared Intentionality. How Leaders Build Esprit, Resilience & Engagement
  4. The Ring of Gyges. Recapturing a Virtue-Based Culture
  5. Living in a Present-tense Culture. Why a Broad Arc of Perspective Matters
  6. The 90-10 Rule. How leaders Invite Perfection Through Practice, Performance, and Repetition
  7. The Tinkerbell Effect. Core Virtues Exist Only If You Believe and Act
  8. Thriving in a free-agent world.  Lessons in radical self-leadership from the US Marines, Firefighters, and Emergency-Room Crews
  9. Remodeling Around the Cornerstone: How Leaders Balance Negotiables and Non-Negotiables
  10. We Are Ultra-Social Beings: Why Great Companies Are Made of Great Companions
  11. The Full Measure: A Thriving Culture is Defined by its Actions and Aspirations

Redefining Organizational Dynamics

  1. The 6-Headed Hydra. Addressing The Leader’s Core Problems
  2. A Super-System View. A New Paradigm of Organizational Dynamics
  3. From Turbulence to the Jet Stream. How Leaders Create Unity of Effort
  4. The Leader’s Capital. Balancing the Top Line & the Bottom Line
  5. What Happened to Hardiness? Building Organizational Resilience
  6. Embracing the F-Word. Uncovering Pearls of Wisdom Found in Failure
  7. Geeks as Revolutionaries. The Power of Early Adapters & Diffused Power
  8. The Swarm Theory. Empowering Influencers & Enabling Innovation
  9. Peer Pressure? No, Peer Production! Using Distributed Action to Solve Distributed Risk
  10. The Undefeated Mind. Keys to Mastering Mental Toughness
  11. Silencing the Voice. How Great Leaders Push Through Barriers & Limitations
  12. Time for a Mega-Dose of Vitamin C.  Making the Case for Clarity

Metrics, Measures & Strategy

  1. Callan’s Law of Expanding Frontage. Managing the TQ-EQ Transition
  2. Houston, We Have a Problem! Rethinking Metrics & Measures
  3. The Zen Master’s Secret. 4 Key Insights to Measuring Performance
  4. Stop Staring, You’ll Become Change Blind. Regaining Simplicity & a Scanning Mindset
  5. Where’s the Improvement? Why CPI Efforts Often Fail
  6. Launching Countermeasures. A More Effective Method to Counteracting Problems
  7. Balanced Scorecards are for Baseball. Why Leaders Should Have Just One Metric
  8. The Wayfinder’s Compass. The 4 Cardinal Points of a Leader’s Vision
  9. How is the Bridge to What & Why.  Effectively Linking Strategy, Vision & Mission
  10. On a March. How Great Leaders Execute Their Strategic Plan
  11. Willpower is a Perishable Asset.  Dream Big, But Execute in Small Steps
  12. The Elegance of Simplicity: Helping the Boss Make Better Decisions