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Master: Execute Strategy & Measure Performance

During this module, students are provided the information needed to implement successful strategy, develop an execution framework, and measure performance. Topics in this module are designed to educate the student on strategy design, metrics, and measures.

  • On a March:  How Great Leaders Execute Strategy presents the student with a unique and compelling model on strategy, strategy design, and the use of “campaign plans” to create effective roadmaps linking strategy, operations, and tactics.
  • How… is the Bridge to What and Why teaches the student how to effectively link strategy, vision, and mission.  Students will learn how to create execution frameworks and transform their vision and objectives into tangible outcomes.
  • The Wayfinder’s Compass:  The 4 Cardinal Points of a Leader’s Vision presents Paul Callan’s model describing the core elements of an effective leader’s vision.
  • Houston, We Have a Problem!  Rethinking Metrics & Measures teaches the students a new paradigm for thinking about and applying metrics. This module reviews the pitfalls of many traditional measurement styles and makes the case for a simpler metric design based on scanning.
  • The Zen Master’s Secret presents 4 key insights to measuring performance.
  • Where’s The Improvement?  Discusses the traditional approaches to Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) and why, in spite of good intentions, CPI efforts often fail.  Paul Callan then provides a new approach to CPI to ensure better and more enduring outcomes.
  • Launching Countermeasures presents a new and innovative model for solving problems and closing performance gaps.
  • Keep Balanced Scorecards in the Boardroom describes why leaders, when speaking outside the corporate office, should develop and extol just one core metric to galvanize unity of purpose and ignite passionate commitment.
  • Information Design reviews, assesses, and presents the key design features of effective metric dashboard designs.
  • Visual Display discusses how, where and why humans best process and integrate information and how the leader can best display performance information to generate desired outcomes.

Learning Objectives – By completing the Master Phase, students will have a superb grasp of the concepts, considerations, and mechanisms for building winning strategies, creating highly effective execution frameworks, and more precisely measuring performance. The student is now prepared to move to the final phase … Transition.

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