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Our New Website

I’d like to welcome you to our site and thank you for your interest and support.  The stand-up of this site is another major milestone in what has been a nearly two-year effort to create and launch the Callan Course.  In its truest sense, the Callan Course is a reflection of my personal leadership philosophy, my genuine commitment to leading, my pursuit of a vital and heroic life, and most importantly—my passion to teach and inspire those who share a likeminded pursuit of excellence.  The entire framework of the Callan Course is founded on my personal belief in this fact: True learning comes from study, deep reflection, and the slow but persistent revealing of knowledge, coupled with an equally persistent commitment to follow-on mentoring and coaching.  In this sense, I aim to create an enduring relationship with those I teach that resembles a braided chord, where each length of strand and every bind of texture creates increased leadership capability and capacity. The leader’s cardinal obligation is to gain mastery and then—give it away.  I am also banking on my deeply held belief about human nature—that we all seek a noble cause, an honorable calling, a challenging mission, and an uplifting experience.   The path to great leadership is hard, long, and full of tests and trials. If it were easy, anyone could do it.  However, that leadership is hard and calls forth from us our very best is appropriate and necessary, for it is inside this crucible of test, trial, failure, and subsequent regeneration that raw material is transformed into gold. I look forward to strapping on our packs and traversing the leader’s journey together.  Leading, like virtue, is its own reward.


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